Winslow Adaptics on Tour
Take a look at where we'll be exhibiting or networking, if you're planning to attend we'd love to see you

2024 IIOM International Symposium
John Dyson MIIOM will be presenting 'Engineering a Better Tomorrow: How adopting a Design for Obsolescence Management (DfOM) strategy in new product development reduces the need for costly reactive redesigns

Engineering Design Show, Coventry
Following on from John Dyson MIIOM's article in Sustainable Engineering (July 24) on the topic of the Product as a Service (PaaS) delivery model last month, come and hear his full presentation....

Farnborough Airshow 2024
We were delighted to be chosen as 1 of only 6 companies exhibiting on the Aerospace Wales stand this year at Farnborough. FACT According to Aerospace Wales Forum | Aerospace, Defence and Space , it’s members turnover in excess of £5.2 Billion in their Wales based facilities and employ more than 21,000 people According to…

Sustainable Engineering Magazine
Winslow Adaptics’ John Dyson MIIOM introduces readers of Sustainable Engineering to the product-as-a-service (PaaS) delivery model which is allowing original equipment manufacturers to unite engineering sustainability and business development.

MIIOM Recognition for John Dyson
MMIOM professional development award received by John Dyson in recognition of his work in the field of Obsolescence Management

Supporting our Sales Channel Partners
Exhibiting at the Embedded World Conference, Nuremberg

Women Leaders in Electronics Awards 2024
Because the future of the Electronics Industry is so important to all of us, Winslow are pleased to have sponsored the Electronics Rising Star & STEM Pioneer Rising Star Awards.

Award Winning Innovation
In an industry where electronic components can become obsolete almost as quickly as they are produced, Winslow Adaptics’ obsolescence solutions are successfully replacing PCB re-design as the industry’s obvious choice. With their groundbreaking adapter...

Joscar LIVE SME Innovation Award winners
Winslow Adaptics are delighted to be one of two amazing winners who wowed the crowd with our awesome ideas in just 3 minutes at Joscar LIVE